NotePro Mastermind Questionnaire

There Are No Wrong Answers To These Questions.

Our Members Are Very Diverse And We All Support Each Other That Is What Makes The Group So Powerful & Successful!

1. Contact Information

First Name *

Last Name *

Email Address*

Phone Number *

Company *

Street *

City *

State *

Zip Code *

Country *

How many years have you been investing in RE and/or RE Notes? *

How many investment properties do your currently own? *

How many Real Estate Secured Notes do your currently own? *

What market(s) do you do business in? *

Please describe your existing business/revenue model in detail.*

How many "Note Closings" you’ve had in the last 12 months? *

How many "RE Closings" you’ve had in the last 12 months? *

How many Note Closings resulted in Seller Financed Notes? *

How many Note Closings were buying Seller Financed Notes? *

How many Note Closings were buying Reperforming Notes?*

How many Note Closings were buying Nonperforming Notes? *

Have you bought RE via Seller Financing from the property seller

Have you ever bought or sold a Partial on a Real Estate Note?

How many Real Estate Closings were Rehabs (Fix & Flips)? *

How many Real Estate Closings were Wholesale Transactions? *

How many Real Estate Closings were "Buy and Hold"? *

How many Real Estate Closings were "Hard Money Loans"?

Do you have a Rental Portfolio and if "Yes", how many units/doors? If "No", enter 0.

What are your core strengths from a business perspective? *

What are 2-3 things you need help with? *

Why should you be invited over other candidates? *

What will make you completely happy with the event? *


Let’s Start the Conversation    |    [email protected]


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