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Fill Out the Below Information About You And Your Business So We Can Be Better Prepared To Get You Slotted With The Right Group For Your Success

NotePro Mastermind Questionnaire

There Are No Wrong Answers To These Questions.

Our Members Are Very Diverse And We All Support Each Other That Is What Makes The Group So Powerful & Successful!

* Required Fields

 First Name * 


 Last Name * 


Email Address * 


Your Phone Number * 


Company Website * 


Street Address * 


City * 




Zip Code* 


Please select your country * 


How many years have you been investing in RE and/or RE Notes? * 

How many investment properties do your currently own? *

How many Real Estate Secured Notes do your currently own? *

What market(s) do you do business in? *

Please describe your existing business/revenue model in detail.*

How many 'Note Closings' you’ve had in the last 12 months? *

How many 'RE Closings' you’ve had in the last 12 months? *

How many Note Closings resulted in Seller Financed Notes? *

How many Note Closings were buying Seller Financed Notes? *

How many Note Closings were buying Reperforming Notes?*

How many Note Closings were buying Nonperforming Notes? *

Have you bought RE via Seller Financing from the property seller? *

Have you ever bought or sold a Partial on a Real Estate Note?*

How many Real Estate Closings were Rehabs (Fix & Flips)? *

How many Real Estate Closings were Wholesale Transactions? *

How many Real Estate Closings were 'Buy and Hold'? *

How many Real Estate Closings were 'Hard Money Loans'? *

Do you have a Rental Portfolio and if 'Yes', how many units/door

What are your core strengths from a business perspective? *

What are 2-3 things you need help with? *

Why should you be invited over other candidates? *

What will make you completely happy with the event? *


Questions? Contact us at [email protected] or call 866-844-8228

Let’s Start the Conversation    |    [email protected]


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