What Good Is a Car with a Flat Tire?

https://ns-blog-videos.s3.amazonaws.com/a+flat+tire+on+your+race+car.mp4 I’m not a big “motorhead” or racing fanatic. But I’ve been to some races and I’ve even gotten to hang out in the pits where I watched the pit crews in spring into action. It’s amazing to see them...

We Are In A Slow Motion Crash

https://ns-blog-videos.s3.amazonaws.com/getting+your+store+front+in+order.mp4 Right now, the market is giving us the rare opportunity to fix our sins. All indicators are telling us that we’re experiencing a crash in slow motion, so NOW is the time to unload all the...

Goals For Tomorrow

https://ns-blog-videos.s3.amazonaws.com/10+year+plan.mp4 A friend of mind was recently doing some consulting for my company and he asked me a very important question: “Do you have all your long term goals for your company written out?” I had to admit the honest answer...

Be the Landlord or Be the Bank

https://ns-blog-videos.s3.amazonaws.com/whats+better+than+being+a+landlord.mp4 When I say, “You could be the bank,” I don’t mean you have to own a big building and hire bank tellers, security guards, and all that. I mean you could own seller financed notes and get...